

Advice for Aspiring Dermatologists and Inspiring Change Through Music

podcast January 31, 2022

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This episode of the Black Doctors Podcast features Dr. Wallace Nozile , aka The Musician Physician. He shares his pathwa y to becoming a Dermatologist. It was NOT straightforward and he learned a lot along the way. He decided between pursuing a career in sports or music. 

Dr. Nozile talks about how he worked, as a medical student, to build relationships with Dermatology residents, physicians and even program directors. He also shares some of the bumps in the road he encountered while starting his career in the midst of a pandemic. Contract advice you do NOT want to miss. 

We wrap up by talking about the EP he released last year entitled “No Longer Trending” which contains s ome incredibly moving music inspired by social issues that occured in 2020. Dr. Nozile is currently practicing in the metro-Atlanta area.

  • Are you interested in becoming a Dermatologist?
  • What type of schedule does a Dermatologist work?
  • What are some things to think about when transitioning to life as an attending? 

**This episode was sponsored by Picmonic . Visit their website and mention the podcast when you subscribe.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend and leave a comment and rating on iTunes. TBDP is a volunteer passion project with the goal of inspiring all who listen. In-house music and audio production, so any ideas for improvements or suggestions for future guests are welcome. Visit to learn more about our host. He is available for consultations or speaking engagements regarding health equity and medical ethics.

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