

24. Trust Your Gut with Annie Olsen-Meehan, Owner, Mindful Therapy

podcast April 21, 2022

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Do you have a hunch that you’re missing out? That life could be better, more fulfilling?


In this Boss Mamas episode, Analiza talks with mental health therapist Annie Olsen-Meehan and owner of Mindful Therapy. Since she was a child, Annie enjoyed helping people, so after graduating from the University of Kansas, she followed a career in social work. On paper, the jobs she had were great. She worked at schools where the mission was to serve low-income students and their families. Annie had supportive bosses who offered her promotions, raises, flexibility to be a mom to her two kids. And yet, Annie would go home, be with her beautiful family, and something in her gut would tell her that there was something missing – that she wasn’t truly fulfilled.


One of the Boss Mama strategies we talk about in the program is to Trust Your Gut. This means checking in with your body and listening. It might sound woo but it’s a real therapeutic practice. Annie is a great example of this. As a therapist, this is what practices with her clients. Annie shares how she practiced this herself. She shares the steps she took to check in with her body and take action based on what her body was telling her. Annie created a plan, left her comfortable job, and started her own private practice. What this has opened up for her is a life of fulfillment – at work, home, and play.


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