

We Need to Talk About Social Media

podcast August 8, 2022

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Ladies! Ashley’s oldest is setting boundaries with her presence on her socials! And look, we all know it’s a delicate line choosing what to and not to share. So much of how we communicate and build our brands are tied into sharing pieces of ourselves like here on the podcast! But not everyone comes into these spaces with good intentions. Listen in as the Mamas share their thoughts about all things social media and what they do to help keep the balance in their lives!

If you have a question for the Mamas? Let us know so we can answer it in a future episode!  Or send us an email at

Ladies! Whats’s your social media policy with your kids?

Ashley – @watermeloneggrolls

Codie – @codieco

Felicia – @felicialatour

Melanie – @melaniefiona


This month the groundbreaking series Black Love Doc is back for one final season. Black Love means the world to us and we are honored that so many couples have so vulnerably shared their highs and lows and lessons with us so we can bring them to you. Make sure you join us on @OWNtv and on the Black Love+ app every Saturday  to celebrate and say goodbye to #BlackLoveDoc.

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