

That's, A Man Baby!

podcast February 27, 2022

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We all remember that famous Austin Powers quote, “That’s a Maaaan, Baby!!” But in 2022, what does it mean to be a “man”? Is it the old school definition of the gruff, strong but silent tough guy, or is it something deeper? In this episode 3 The Hard Way delves into this complicated question of what it means to me a man in 2022. Does your sexuality dictate this? Does your gender identity dictate this? These are complicated questions in the modern era. Listen as 3 The Hard Way go deep into these questions and discusses what the old school definition was and does it apply to today. They also bring back their segment of “Honorable Mention”, honoring the late, great actor/director Sidney Poitier. And of course they wrap it up with their popular segment “What You Rockin Wit?” Tune in to this deep episode and be sure to share your thoughts on our social media page!!

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