
Society & Culture

[Tech]nically Black (ft. Ngozi Eze)

podcast December 7, 2023

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It’s 2023 and unless you’re Amish or off the grid, we are consumed and surrounded by technology. Almost every function of our lives involves some sort of smart technology. As technology continues evolve and it’s imperative that we stay up to date the changes, but also have a seat at the table in a lucrative industry. 


On this episode of The Jigsaw, Josh & Bryan invited Ngozi Eze, Chief Information Security Officer for Levi Strauss & Co to the living room to discuss all things tech; including black representation in tech spaces, cyber security, the usefulness and dangers of artificial intelligence, and the future outlook on the tech industry. Also, find out what celebrity blocked Josh and why. 


Song of the Week: There is No Christmas Without You – Kirk Franklin & The Family 


Bless Up- Plezi – Michelle Obama 


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