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The Ins & Outs of Social Media Management with Courtney “CJ” Cross-Johnson

podcast October 12, 2022

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Courtney “CJ” Cross-Johnson is a traveling social media manager, strategist, and content creator. After graduating from the University of Miami, she moved to Texas where she has spent the last decade+ of her life. A former teacher and middle-school leadership team member, she transitioned to working in the educational nonprofit sector prior to launching her company, 21Twelve Creative Co. on Halloween 2020.


When speaking with her peers, you will often hear that she adds “glitter & sparkle” to anything she touches which in her terms means, she makes your content pop. Her true passion in the land of marketing is copywriting, social media, and content creation. Throughout her tenure, she has had the opportunity to work with a variety of industries including real estate, mental health, construction, startups, business coaches, and more. Within two years of operation, she has already worked with over 25 brands. Most recently, she has been included in the African American Marketing Association’s “50+ Black Marketers On The Rise” list.


While CJ loves being an entrepreneur, her “big girl dream” is to be a published author, professional philanthropist, owner of a Black women’s safe space that sells tea, candles, and books, and the manager of a scholarship foundation in honor of her late godfather, Jerome A. Johnson. She is mainly based on Texas but often travels to produce content in other cities and capture event footage.

In this episode we discuss the following:

  • The state of social media
  • When should someone hire for social media strategy and management?
  • Recommendations for third-party platforms?
  • Go to productivity tools.

More information about CJ can be found at

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