

Reframing Youth Conflict with Mediation Skills

podcast July 1, 2021

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April 25th, 2021 I was a guest on Mediation Station with Gregg Fenten, AccFM (OAFM)

Gregg has been actively involved for over twenty-one years in a range of processes to assist individuals, couples and families regarding the changing nature of their relationships. His current work includes doing mediation, facilitation, coaching, training and consulting.

He works as a triage specialist at the Family Courts in Toronto as an Information and Referral Coordinator, coaching with York University’s Certificates in Dispute Resolution, Advanced Certificate in Dispute Resolution and Family Mediation Programs.

Gregg is an instructor with the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies

He offers mentorships/apprenticeships with individuals looking to acquire the core skills to be an effective communicator. He has a long history of experience in community mediation/development starting with Conflict Mediation Services of Downsview (CMS-D) in Toronto as an intern, volunteer, mediator and case manager to ultimately become the Director, Community Transformation Program.

In February 2005, Gregg founded radio program Mediation Station which he writes, produces and hosts each Sunday from 8 to 9 p.m. EST on CHHA 1610 AM in Toronto, Canada.

I’m certified as a Restorative Justice Mediator & had the pleasure of learning from Gregg Fenten during my time at CMS-D. I definitely use my mediation skills supporting Youth through Family conflict; social justice issues.

 We  talked about the pandemic, Youth/parental conflict, how living with Youth at different stages of Development can be challenging

How to mediate situations without losing control. 

Mediation Station-Gregg Fenten

Negotiation-Communication Consultant/Mediator/Trainer/Community Developer

647 227 4734

Twitter @11mediator and @FentenMediation

Writer/Producer/Host-Mediation Station radio program Sunday 8-9 p.m. EST CHHA1610 AM

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