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This is a clip from Funny Pays Big Money – Episode #245 w/ Funny Marco
Marco " Funny Marco" Summers has been able to capture some of the most viral and memorable moments using the art and skill of comedy and pranking strangers. What is even more impressive is that he's been able to build a business behind the content as his Youtube channel has more than HALF A MILLION Subscribers with 174 Million views to date! Marco has also been picked up by some of our favorite media outlets with more than 3 Million IG Followers. In this episode we will dive into the man behind the business of being funny! We'll also discuss :
– The art of prank/skit comedy content : why it is more about human behavior, the ability to connect with people, and persuasion that it is only about "being random and funny."
– Promo deals vs. Brand Deals : The major differences between using your influence for "one off" opportunities and partnerships with brands who want to pay top dollar to get in front of your audience.
– The power of an expanding and positive mindset : how to tap into the truth of what you desire and execute on what you see in your visions and dreams.
– Personal development as a comedian : how he finds inspiration to create some of the most iconic and memorable pieces of content from the ideas and people that inspire him.
– Improv comedy vs. Rehearsed/skit comedy : why he believes his best work is done outside of the "on the spot" element even as a viral sensation.
and so much more!
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Connect with Marco on IG : https://www.instagram.com/funnymarco/
David on IG http://www.instagram.com/sleepis4suckers
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