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Pointless Space Travel? Racist England Fans, Trump Sue’s Big Tech, Netflix at the Emmy’s.

podcast July 16, 2021

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Techish is back with a brand new episode! Abadesi and Michael discuss the Black footballers who faced online racial abuse from fans and how do we stop this from happening on social media? (1:10)They also break down:- Trump tries to return to social media and the politics of ‘cancel culture’ (8:16)Richard Branson joins the space race and why all the investment into space? (15:05)- Netflix dominates the Emmy’s (24:00)- Amazon marketplace and conscious consumerism (28:05)- What’s the cause of Uber’s price surge? (32:42)—————————————————————Sponsors:Get your ticket for Inbound 2021! Speakers include Oprah Winfrey, Tristan Walker and more! Register for your free tickets here: https://www.inbound.com/register (Discount Code: POCIT)Aha! is hiring a VP of Marketing: https://www.pocitjobs.com/job/73411POCIT is hiring a content writer: https://www.pocitjobs.com/job/39562—————————————————————www.pocitjobs.com for roles for POC in techwww.hustlecrew.co for talks and training to make your company more inclusive—————————————————————Extra Reading:https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57800431https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-57754435https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/07/12/1028203/richard-branson-just-flew-to-the-edge-of-space-heres-what-it-means-for-space-travel/https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/12/22573850/elon-musk-richard-branson-spaceplane-virgin-galactichttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57817834—————————————————————Use the hashtag #Techish on Twitter & IGSupport Techish at www.patreon.com/techishAdvertise on Techish: goo.gl/forms/MY0F79gkRG6Jp8dJ2—————–Stay In Touch:www.twitter.com/michaelberhane_www.twitter.com/abadesiwww.twitter.com/hustlecrewlivehttps://twitter.com/techishpodEmail us at techishpod@gmail.com

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