
Society & Culture

Nice guys finish first (replay)

podcast December 13, 2023

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Salutation, SR Tribe! Welcome, and thank you for coming back for another hearty serving of The Sophisticatedly Ratchet Podcast, giving the real in a world of fake.


In this serving of SR Podcast, Shake leads the team in moderation as we break down why good guys always get the short end of the stick until either one day they find their queen or realize that it doesn’t pay off. 


Tj’s Chakra – Located in the center of the forehead, it acts as the individual’s center of wisdom, conscience, and higher consciousness.most perceptive part of the human body and spirit, it governs self-awareness, higher wisdom, visualization, clarity, discernment, imagination, and creative dreaming.


Unbalanced-blockages can manifest as feelings of paranoia, issues focusing, having a closed mind






Shakes Word of the Week: 


Moe 0, Mash 0, Shake 0, TJ 0, Flash 0





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