
Society & Culture

Mental Health: Let’s prioritize it.

podcast September 21, 2022

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 Every Monday, my social media networks, I’ve been very consistent about talking about mental health. And my stories, I have made it a mission. To make it mental health Mondays, I share articles, I share tips, I share different things that help parents raising children with disabilities. I know what I experienced, and I’ll talk about that a little bit. Raising a child with a disability, it is beautiful. Our children are amazing. But because many of us have different diagnose diagnosis, the load is heavier from for some people than others. Nonetheless, study show. There are numerous studies that I’ve read one particular I was reading today, I normally read studies from different colleges around the United States. But today this morning, I was even reading one from the UK. And they all say that parents raising children with disabilities experience depressive symptoms and anxiety higher than parents raising children, typical children. This article was interesting to me because it also pointed out, they experienced reduced income, reduced employment, distress, and they have a significantly higher odds of being diagnosed have a mental health problem than other parents. I found it very alarming as I started reading, because myself I experienced anxiety. I can’t say that it was all attributed to being a parent of a child with a disability because I have trauma. We all at some point or another. Well, a lot of us have gone through some level of trauma in our lives. And as I began to go to therapy, I realized that this was just adding more pressure to life. But it was also you know, bringing up trauma that I actually needed to do with and dig into. And so, nonetheless, here we are with mental health Monday, and I give tips every Monday. So I want to start with some ways that you can prioritize your mental health.


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