

Maintaining Your Righteous Stance

podcast April 15, 2024

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In these last days, we will see unprecedented global changes, but not all of them will be good. Persecution will increase as part of Satan’s targeted attack against believers and against God’s church. The enemy will use shame, guilt, and condemnation as weapons; we are to respond by standing in our righteousness and in our identity in Christ. No matter what our past looks like or what we have done, our faith in Jesus causes God to see us as holy and pure. Believing that Jesus has already taken care of our sins by the sacrifice of His body and blood takes us from being sinners to being saints. Our trust in God and in His grace gives us power over the enemy. Despite the vastness of the universe and all the places where God could have abided, He loves us so much that He chose to live in us; we must therefore never let religion talk us out of who we are in Him. To support the ministry financially, text “CDMPodcast” to 74483 or visit

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