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Society & Culture

HBCU Graduate Share Secrets To Personal Growth And Success EP 25 | Big Dog Talk Podcast

podcast December 19, 2023

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Ever found yourself wondering what advice you would give to your younger self, or pondering about the words of wisdom you'd share with your future self? We've all been there, and in this enlightening episode, we're joined by alumni of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) who open up about their own journeys of self-discovery and transformation. They share the struggles they faced at 18, the societal pressures they battled, and the profound influence of their environment on their actions and mindset.

Then we shift gears a bit. Imagine standing face-to-face with your 60-year-old self, what would you say? Our guests take a stab at this thought-provoking concept, revealing their sacrifices, dedication, and personal growth. They talk about envisioning the life they want and the often taken-for-granted blessings they've encountered. What shines through is a powerful message about resilience, self-awareness, and personal development. This episode is a heartening blend of reflection, inspiration, and wisdom that reminds us all that we are not defined by our circumstances, but by our ability to rise above them.

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