The Tony Kornheiser Show
“The Tony Kornheiser Show” (now available exclusively on-demand) is a topical, daily talk show that starts with sports and quickly moves into politics, current events, entertainment and, really, whatever happens […]
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Welcome back to shoptalkpodcast EP399!
J and Dame are back for another week of foolishness. The duo opens up about their week, with Dame sharing amusing anecdotes about his oldest daughter navigating the world of teenagehood, while J spills the beans on some exciting photoshoots and video gigs.
In this episode, the fellas explore the world of "Apple Music Replay," revealing and comparing their most-played songs, favorite artists, and top albums of 2023. Taking a nostalgic trip, they rewind 30 years to 1993, reminiscing about the timeless rap and R&B tracks that defined that remarkable year in music.
The conversation heats up as the duo delves into current events, tackling topics like Diddy and the latest allegations surrounding him, the dynamic duo of Rick Ross and Meek Mill, and the legendary collaboration between Lil Wayne and Andre 3000. As always, expect a great episode filled with engaging discussions and the trademark foolishness that Shoptalk Podcast is known for.
To cap it off, don't miss the Music Pick of the week – "Without Your Love" by Tristian Knight. Tune in for another exceptional episode!
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“The Tony Kornheiser Show” (now available exclusively on-demand) is a topical, daily talk show that starts with sports and quickly moves into politics, current events, entertainment and, really, whatever happens […]
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