

Ep 29 – Vacation Vibes IRL

podcast June 15, 2021

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Welcome to Episode 29 of Remotely Renee. Thank you for your support and for coming back each week to listen in. Renee welcome in the 2 Lit-crew, and they discuss the holiday of the day.

Renee and the 2-Lit Crew are on vacation! Renee welcomes in the 2-Lit Crew from Florida!

This week on Remote Scoreboard, Renee and the 2-Lit Crew discuss the Space Jam shoes released after the new movie starring Lebron James. They also go over the Mayweather vs. Logan fight numbers, and the 2 Lit-Crew are torn about celebrity boxing matches. The March Madness trademark is causing madness with the 2-Lit Crew. Everyone has a strong opinion about the NCAA “allowing” the women’s division to use the term that ends with a call to action from the sponsors. The bonus news on the scoreboard Paul gives the top 10 most expensive vacation spots in the world. The 2 Lit-Crew decide next year’s vacation may be to Montgomery Island.

Happening IRL this week, Cole sits down with Keith Lewis from Fathers F1rst. He talks about how and why he started the organization. He gives insight into his upcoming events for Father’s Day.

In the Remote Game Show, Renee calls former teammate of UConn Kalana Green. She answers questions for the game show and gives Paul a new nickname in the process.

Remote 1-on-1 Renee sits down with Snoop Dillard. Serial entrepreneur and executive. She shares how she began her entrepreneurial empire, and at an early age, Snoop knew she wanted to own many businesses.

Remote Show and Tell, Paul, shares his new baseball card. Snook and Cole are happy that it’s an actual baseball card and not electronic.

Remote Roots shares vacation memories. Renee, Snook, and Cole give a glimpse into the Montgomery family vacation with a funny twist. Tune in to find out what happens!

Listen in to hear the rest of the show, and please remember to rate, subscribe, and share with friends!

Remote Scoreboard: 1:13

happening IRL: 29:31

Remote Gameshow: 46:02

Remote 1-on-1: 49:27

Remote Show and Tell: 1:02:16

Remote Roots: 1:05:15

Produced by the Heartlent Group –​​​

Produced by the Heartlent Group –

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