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All of Your Troubles Will Melt Away #GMFaves

podcast December 16, 2023

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“I hear You.”

That’s today’s affirmation,

While you’re hearing ‘them’,

while you’re hearing the world,

say inside, “but I hear you, God.”

I feel You.

I know You.

I admit You.

This is Your Life,

and I trust You with It.

I’m ready.

You’re ready.

Get ready!

I Love you, Nik nikki@curlynikki.com ________________________________________ Today’s Quotes:

“Come to this place, where Nothing drowns you.” -Nik

“Let some energy flow through your own being and feel it refresh you and make you young and strong and vital and know that it resides within you all of the time. That you can rely upon it easily and with confidence, that it is yours for the asking, that it resides within you. That it is your right and your heritage.” -Seth

“There is a book that is not written, it’s just unfolding. It’s like we are each actors without a script and everything you do, God has written and you are just finding as we go. You have to learn how to read this book, to read the language of the life force and the deeper Self. It really brings you back into the reality of true existence. Sensing life and listening to the needs of each unfolding moment, empty of mind and fully present in the heart.” -Mooji

“Every decision you make is not a decision about what to do… It’s a decision about who you are.” -via IG @wisethinkers

“It’s okay to go quiet, to pause long enough to hear your own interior world with the regard it deserves. Don’t let the noise of the world drown out the sound of you. Sometimes silence is presence.” -Via IG @BlackLiturgies

“The mind is the experience. The heart is the Source. All that is True is in the heart. I am still among movement I am happy among sadness I am love among anger I am light among darkness I am life among death I am but of a moment. Yet ultimately there is no moment, There is no I. Tat Tvam Asi” – @karoli_dass via IG

“The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth.” -Psalm 97:5

“…There is no use looking outside and wondering in what form that peace will come, because it does not come in a worldly form. Strangely enough, however, when the inner peace comes it forms and re-forms our outer life. It changes our relationships with other human beings. It changes the nature and the amount of our supply because it is Its func- tion to see that we are fed and clothed abundantly. All things will be added unto us but they will not be added by taking thought for the things: Relinquish thought of things; turn within and admit Me. -Joel Goldsmith, Living Between Two Worlds Chapter 1, “Opening the Door to Infinity”

“It’s a place of natural and effortless Peace. The more somehow the attention is trained to rest in this Peace, all your troubles will melt away. Mooji has said this.” -Mooji Video (episode title source)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1ZR3CrF6F

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