18 Keep that same energy
If you want to be successful at anything you must have the same energy for your purpose as you do for LHHATL! Want to share your WINS of the week, […]
REPLAY – HitMaka podcast
Reality’s Sh*t Show podcast
Sunday, January 19 podcast
Loon Reacts Akademiks calls Dude who exposed Drake_s DMs speaking on UMG Lawsuit & Bron podcast
Episode 329 “Grow Up” podcast
It’s like a pink elephant in the room. Folks don’t want to talk about it but did you know that we have had race riots since 1898 in this country? The fear and mention of race wars still comes up in conversations. And it comes up with firearms ownership. Here’s some history and background for you so you can be better armed to talk about it and our rights. Racism sucks.
Continuing a conversation with pro shooter and friend, Todd Jarrett, as he talks about STI Guns and more on his life from a previous conversation. This is part 2of 4.
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Have a safe summer.
If you want to be successful at anything you must have the same energy for your purpose as you do for LHHATL! Want to share your WINS of the week, […]
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