
Society & Culture

‘R E N A I S S A N C E talk’ w/ Isaiah Jimenez

podcast November 27, 2018

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In this episode of ‘The UpNUp Podcast’, Tacoma native and jack of all trades Isaiah Jimenez discusses his journey to becoming the ultimate conduit for creatives and culture within his city and beyond. He shares his role in putting together the ‘Building Men Program’, focused on empowering 3rd-5th grade boys at numerous elementary schools in the city with the tools they need to thrive on their road ahead. Through coordinating countless events for the culture to be able to embrace one another, as well as being a host for his new podcast, ‘Dont Shoot the Messenger’, his hustle never settles. His dream is to help remedy the gap that exists between both Seattle and Tacoma’s black communities, with hopes of us all creating a modern day renaissance movement. This is a journey that will definitely help keep us all on #TheUpNUp

‘Don’t Shoot The Messenger’ podcast available now on SoundCloud

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