

Only YOUR Love is Here. 🔑❤️‍🔥

podcast July 25, 2024

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You have to find Peace now,

not later.

You have to find it right now in the middle of everything that you’re going through.

And one way is to initiate a constant conversation with God, 

to pray ceaselessly–

“Only Your Love is here.”

As if you’re saying it to God–

“Only Your Love is Here, Jesus” (or the Name that stirs you), 

and it’s like you’re on His lap, 

or at His feet, 

and you can feel Him saying to you, 

“Only Your Love is here.”

Filling you. 

Healing you. 

Convincing you. 

Replacing you. 

We are One. 

I love you, 


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“…crowning me with love beyond my power to hold.” – Based on Psalm 23 from Catholic Miselette 

“let your striving cease. He is sustainable. He is not exhaustion. He is peace. He is not chaos. He is rest. He is not worry. take His portion, it’s yours.” -@trueherworth 

“I pray God may open your eyes. …and let you see what hidden treasures He bestows on us in the trials from which the world thinks only to flee.” -St. John of Avila 

“Constant prayer is the deep assurance within my heart that God is in charge, and I have no need to worry. That’s what it means to pray continually, because prayer is union with God.”-Mother Angelica

“He who has the Kingdom of God within himself will imperceptibly pass it on to others. The atmosphere of Heaven will radiate from us even when we keep silence or talk about ordinary things.”- Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica

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