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One Who is Everywhere is Joyous, One Who is Nowhere is Free. #GMweekend

podcast December 9, 2023

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Rock and sway between these two mantras today- ‘I am nowhere’. ‘I am everywhere’.  They’re both true.  The moment you make the felt-connection with Love, you are beyond the body.  You are no longer attached to it.  You’re free and that freedom feels like Joy.  You are everywhere, and nowhere.  You are everyone and no one.   You are the invisible,  formless, boundless Love appearing as the  countless visible forms.  And because you know This, because you ARE This, that body smiles.  Love is felt as its very being.  I Love you, Nik nikki@curlynikki.com


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Today’s Quotes: “When we know who we are, we’re everybody and we’re free.”  -Krishna Das

“Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere.  One who is everywhere is joyous.” -Osho, The Book of Secrets

(On letting go of attachment)  “You will not ask “how.” If your house is on fire you will not ask anyone, you will not go seeking a master to ask how to come out of it. If the house is on fire you will simply get out of it. You will not lose a single moment. You will not search for the teacher, you will not consult the scriptures. And you will not try to choose in what ways one has to come out, what means have to be adopted, and which door is the right door. These things are irrelevant when the house is on fire. When you know what attachment is, the house is on fire. You can put it aside.  There is no need to ask how. It is absolutely a fire, a hell. You can jump out of it.

This sutra says: ‘Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere.’  And the moment you toss aside the attachment, you will realize you are everywhere. Because of this attachment you feel you are limited by the body. It is not the body which is limiting you; it is your attachment to it. It is not the body which is making a barrier between you and the reality; it is your attachment to it. Once you know what the attachment is not there, there is no body to you. Rather, the whole existence becomes your body; your body becomes a part of the total existence. Then it is not separate.” -Osho. The Book of Secrets (p. 929). Osho International. Kindle Edition.

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