

Miracles Are Your Calling #GMweekends

podcast November 19, 2023

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Every time you become aware of a worry thought about tomorrow or next week, pause and pray.

Pause by listening for Silence instead of to the worry thought.  Remember that you’re not thinking that worry thought.  That thought isn’t yours.  You’re simply listening to it… and you can choose to believe it or not.  You can choose to claim it or not.  You can choose to listen to Silence instead!

And you pray by recognizing and feeling Go(o)d in the Silence.  You pray by repeating (hearing or becoming aware of) the above mantra, the truth that it isn’t you that must face these problems, but God in you.  You pray by remembering that God in you has no problems, knows no problems, sees no problems. You pray by reaching and feeling for even 2% of the Love that is fully present in and AS that moment and by watching your experience of the moment and the seeming moment itself, shift.

The awareness to pause and pray is the miracle, and it manifests as such.

I Love you, Nik

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Today’s Quotes:

“Sometimes God challenges you to find strength you don’t have. Only like this will you go beyond your imagined limits. You must be pushed so far that you are forced to be humble. Only then, when your pride and arrogance are crushed, will you discover muscles that are not yours. You will find and use the muscles of God. When you completely abandon yourself, your ego, this miracle becomes possible.” -Mooji

“Repeat this under your breath: It is no longer ________ (your name) who lives, but Christ who lives in  _________ (your name) who is going to boldly face and conquer any kind of problems.”  -@ThePrayingFashionistas via IG 

Beginning Aug 7, 2023 – ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.

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