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It’s Always Been Me

podcast March 31, 2023

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I Am the rope. I Am the balancing pole. I Am the net beneath you, and the Hand that catches you. I Am you. That trembling you feel is not fear. You’re excited. I’ve shown you what’s coming. But you think It’s just a dream. You think you’ve imagined It, concocted It yourself, but I planted It within you. I revealed It to you, and you’re anticipating It. You’re getting excited about It, but your mind is telling you that It can’t happen, that It won’t happen, but It has happened, and all I ask is that you trust in Me. In every step, you trust. And I don’t need to hear the words from you, just feel the Word,  “I trust in You”, in response to every thought, “but I trust in You.” My Name is a feeling- a Holy Relaxing. A seeing-through. And then the trembling steps, they turn into a walk of confidence,* and you find your Balance in Me. It’s always been Me. “The Name of the Lord is of great strength, and when the righteous run to it, they are exalted. ” -Proverbs of Solomon 18:10 I Love you, Nikki Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch! ▶▶ ________________________________ Today’s Quotes: “If you find me not within you, you will never find me. For I have been with you, from the beginning of me.” -Rumi   “As you sit on the side of transition, and contemplate what is yet to transpire in your distant future, along with the events soon to take place in your immediate future, do not allow fears of what might happen to cloud your judgment or your hearing. Do not look to circumstances to inspire doubt, fear, or uncertainty regarding my plans or the call upon your life. Know even all these things you see, as well as all the things you have not perceived, have all been considered and taken into account already. You are my workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which I have already prepared in advance for you to do. 

So know and remember all these things are a surprise and mystery to you, but they are not to me. All these things seem difficult, painful, and costly to you, but they are not to me. All these things seem as though they will overpower and overshadow you, but they will not with me. Do not look to the horizon as events continue to unfold. Do not look to our circumstances as pressures continue to mount, but look to me. Do not lean on your own understanding, but listen to what I set before you and place within you. Allow me to speak life to what is birthing and emerging as you walk with me in faith, hope, and courage minute by minute….

…As you consider the outcome of your future, and what will happen as you follow my voice, contrast it against what will happen if you do not. Consider the risk of obedience, but also its reward. Consider what it may cost you, but also what you will gain. Consider the source and inspiration of these notions, but also my heart, love, and intentions behind them all.” -Neil Vermillion 

“To be Holy is to be happy, and to be happy is to be Holy.” -Father Ambrosia  *”The longer she follows Jesus, the more her trembling steps have turned into a walk of confidence. she has no reason to fear, because she knows the One who goes before her.” -@women_of_prayer

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