

Episode 17: Is Your Joy Tank Low? 2

podcast August 17, 2022

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Detours are never easy but are necessary for our success and the development of our lives and ministries.

While detours are not what we planned, it is a necessary part of God’s plan for us to grow. The Lord’s plan is a long-term one, a marathon if you will, but not a sprint. But trust me when I say it is worth the wait and the journey.

Listen in on this powerful message: Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and he will make your paths straight.”

In this episode, hosts Kevin and Donovan discuss the path of development wrapped in detours.

In Donovan’s words: “With God, there is always a path for whatever it is you’re trying to achieve.”

Listen in on this gem-filled episode, learn, and get inspired.

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Get your copy of Bob Goth Devotional “Live in Grace, Walk in Love: A 365 Day Journey” here:

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Magical Quotes from the Episode:

  1. (00:33): One of the reasons you’re tired of success is that your joy tank is low.
  2. (01:11): There was some kind of connection between joy, my strength, my endurance, my ability to be patient and God being pleased with me. Joy is a type of fuel.
  3. (02:04): This is a walk of faith with God and that he is sustaining us this whole time
  4. (02:39): God gave the Wiseman a direction, not a bunch of instructions. It wasn’t a business trip. It was an adventure.
  5. (05:08): I trust you with all of me to bring the best of me out
  6. (07:17): Trust me at my word, focus on me. I am true. And I am good.
  7. (11:24): I believe that with God, there’s a path for that. There’s a path for that, whatever wonderful, righteous, positive, healthy thing you’re trying to achieve in life. There’s a path for that. And God has that path specific path for you
  8. (14:19): If your purpose and your desire is to please God and obey God and appreciate things he’s already done, you’re kind of sensitive to the moment to wherever God is leading you.
  9. (22:04): Joy was meant for you in the hard times

Scriptures Mentioned in the Episode:

  1. Nehemiah 8:10
  2. Proverb 3: 5-6
  3. Mathew 11:30
  4. Proverbs 10:22
  5. Mark 5: 30-34
  6. Colossians 3: 23-24
  7. James 1: 2-4
  8. Romans 5: 3-5
  9. 1 Thessalonians 4:13
  10. Luke 12: 29-31
  11. Philippians 4:19
  12. 2 Corinthians 2: 19

Talking points:

  1. [01:09] A quick recap of episode 16.
  2. [03:40] Crave the adventure on this journey of life
  3. [11:50] Trust in his path for you.


  1. Bob Goff – Live in Grace. Walk in love.

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