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EP93 – LaTaunya Andrews Infertility Journey with PCOS and Trusting God through the set backs

podcast April 17, 2019

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April is what we call our Sisters in Loss Fertility Awareness Month. All month long we will be talking to women who have had fertility challenges, gone through alternative fertility treatments like IUI or IVF, and continue to push through the barriers to grow their families.

In today’s episode as we end Black Maternal Health Week we have LaTaunya Andrews who shares her PCOS journey and infertility challenges.  LaTaunya is a Navy Military wife residing in beautiful San Diego, California, while her husband is currently on deployment.  LaTaunya was diagnosed with PCOS when she was 21, and her doctor told her she wouldn’t be able to have children.  She started her journey to motherhood back in September 2015, after changing her lifestyle to shrink her cysts, she conceived in December 2016 with the help of Clomid.  She was so happy and felt quite blessed, however on January 6, 2017 just 2 days after hearing the babies heartbeat for the first time she found out she was miscarrying.  LaTaunya left the hospital defeated, but determined to have a baby.  She went on to conceive again in January 2018 and that ended in a chemical pregnancy.  In this episode LaTaunya shares where she is now currently in her journey after a hysteroscopy removing precancerous cells, hyperthyroidism diagnosis, and a benin tumor on her pituitary gland.  LaTaunya is determined to bring home her rainbow baby and shares how she keeps going inspite of set back after set back, and how she stays grounded.  This episode is for you to listen to if you have PCOS, hyperthyroidism, Pituitary gland tumor, or infertility challenges that make you question “why me God.”

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