Chris from Conceal & Carry Network inspired the title of this weeks show. It’s not about me but helping as many people in my circle get a little closer to their dreams. I learned about the Reasonable Man from Massad Ayoob and interviewed Nikki Goeser, and Maryland State Del. and […]
I am taking a MAG40 course with the legendary Massad Ayoob this week and had to stay up late to give you this show. Its only 45 min long but contains some good news and interviews about the course from Mas, Ken and Gail. If you have a blog you […]
Made a few changes to the show, and the artwork, tell me what you think. This week we have: Daryl Jamison of Tom M. From talks about what they have for AR’s Tommy W. from goes technical Barbara Baird from talks about the report […]