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Society & Culture

Candace Oglesby Unraveling Grief and Advocating for Inclusive Care

podcast February 1, 2024

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When grief becomes a catalyst for healing, it can transform lives. This is the essence of what our guest, psychotherapist Candace Oglesby, brings to our latest heartfelt episode of SpeakUP! International. Candace opens up about her own profound journey through personal loss to become a healer, offering an intimate look at how a challenging childhood—with a father combating muscular dystrophy and a mother facing health issues—guided her to a career in therapy. As we traverse her story, Candace's dedication to addiction treatment, grief counseling, and the groundbreaking realm of psychedelic therapy shines through, illustrating the deeply personal nature of suffering and the resilience it can foster.

There's a potent authenticity in how Candace approaches her work, which is vividly depicted in her experiences with incarcerated men, where she learned the value of genuine support and connection. These interactions reveal the roles therapists play that often exceed the confines of conventional therapy. Our discussion also ventures into the transformative personal insights Candace gained during a ketamine training, opening up about the ambiguous nature of loss related to a loved one's battle with Alzheimer's. Her reflection on the innate desire to heal, rooted in her upbringing and solidified by her community, underscores the profound impact of diverse life experiences on the choice to pursue a career in therapy.

In a field where diversity, equity, and inclusion are paramount, Candace emphasizes the critical need for therapists to both represent and understand the communities they serve. We unpack the systemic barriers faced by black and brown individuals in mental health care and dissect the misconceptions surrounding the financial prospects of therapists. Candace's story, interwoven with advocacy for therapists' own therapeutic work and self-care, challenges us to re-envision the landscape of mental health. As we conclude, her insights leave us contemplating the power of community, the importance of cultural humility, and the shared responsibility to be active participants in social justice, all while caring for the intricacies of our own healing.

Use the links below to reach Candace  Oglesby:
Website: https://jurneewithcandace.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jurneementalhealth/

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/candace-oglesby-0aa51b98/

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