

The Only Real Gratitude #GMfaves

podcast November 23, 2023

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Imagine you have a direct line to God up to your right ear what do you hear?


Without words.

True prayer.

The one where you listen to God listening,

the one where you hear God hearing you feel,

‘thank you Father, I Am.’

Happy Thanksgiving,

I Love you,


“In prayer, I do not go to God to have certain things brought about for tomorrow or for Thanksgiving or for Christmas. I don’t do that, I go to God in this way. ‘Today, tomorrow and all time to come, God, I belong to Thee. Map out my days.’  And then, I sit in complete silence, in complete quietness, as if I really and truly had a telephone receiver at my ear and were trying to hear somebody at the other end. It isn’t so much that I expect to hear a voice, although I sometimes do.” -Joel S Goldsmith

“Only those who understand that God is their own consciousness and that from this individual, yet infinite, consciousness flow all things can really know the true sense of gratitude. The only real gratitude is that which is felt for the gift of spiritual discernment.” -Joel S Goldsmith

“Dan Rather, CBS anchor, once asked Mother Teresa what she said during her prayers. She answered, “I listen.” So Dan turned the question and asked, “Well then, what does God say?”  Mother Teresa smiled with confidence and answered, “He listens.” For an instant, Dan didn’t know what to say. “And if you don’t understand that,” Mother Teresa added, “I can’t explain it to you.” -Via ServiceSpace

“Maybe the soul is tired because all it needs is more time with the Lord; Maybe the heart is tired because it has been fed with all- the wrong things.” -@worshipblog via IG Cory Asbury

“I want to reach for God the way I reach for my phone. When I’m bored,  when I’m uncomfortable,  when I need answers or entertainment. When I’m lonely and need someone to talk to.” @worshipblog via IG Cory Asbury

“If He holds the universe He is holding your world together.” -@worshipblog

“You could go all through the balance of your career without a treatment, without a lesson, without reading a book, and find greater harmony, greater peace, greater health,  than you have ever known, just with the simple realization of, ‘Thank you, Father, I Am.  I Am’. Not will be and not shall be, but I Am.  Not ought to be and not deserve to be. Just, “Thank you, Father, I am! -Joel S. Goldsmith

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