

What stands in the way is the way.

podcast July 18, 2024

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Every time you think of a problem,

something that needs to be solved, 

come back to this inner alignment. 

Inner alignment feels like this–

stomach unclenching,

jaw softening, 

shoulders coming down and back,

chin tilting up,

the face smiling.

It feels like an exhale,

a lightening,

a clearing,

a Peace that washes over you. 

And you do this a million times a day. 

You do this every time a thought comes —

even one that doesn’t suggest a problem,

even one that just suggests it is time to go get food.

Hear that thought,

and allow that thought to let go of you. 

And you still go get the food,

but you move from this Love, 

through this Love, 

in this Love

as this Love. 

That’s how water moves–

around and over,

until there’s nothing left to move around or over. 

Nothing to move through. 

There’s only water here. 

Only Love Now.

I love you,


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“What stands in the way is the way.” – Marcus Aurelius 

“Problems will continue to arise tillyou come to a deep understanding of witnessing. That is the only golden key, discovered b centuries of inward search in the East: that there is no need to solve any problem. You simply observe it, and the very observation is enough, the problem evaporates.” – Osho

“Life is too short to keep solving problems one after another. Just wake up and walk ahead, problems will get solved by themselves.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

You dropped the desperation. You dropped the need. The way you’re pursuing your goals now is different than any other point in your life. In the past, you needed to establish a foundation. Which came with a ton of resistance. Now, you’re exploring all the different paths to abundance. You’re doing it openly, with joy, and excitement. The energy shifted, and so have your results. This is a new day. A new chapter. A new way. You’re moving from a space of inner alignment.” – @sourcemessages

“We love God as much as the one we love the least.” – Dorothy Day 


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