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The Power of Story (Solo Episode)

Black Podcasting - The Power of Story (Solo Episode)

Welcome to another solo episode of the Dear Black CEO podcast with your host, Karl Sona!

Happy Thanksgiving ya’ll! In the spirit of gratitude, I’d like to say a huge thank you to you for tuning in and helping make this podcast what it is. Let’s keep breaking the barriers of who can be a CEO and achieve ownership with today’s episode. I want to focus in on how important it is to understand the value of stories. Stories of those who have gone before us can open your mind to possibilities you never thought achievable. And remember, you can be one of those stories!

So dive in, wake up the inner beast (more on that in the show), and let’s talk about the power of stories.


[00:01 – 03:33] Opening Segment


[03:34 – 06:50] The Power of Story

If you are a black business owner looking to grow your revenue, listen up. There is a major revenue-generating opportunity for you, and The Kas company is here to help you secure the bag. The Kas Company is a black-owned alliance agency specializing in finding and brokering partnerships between black-owned companies and big brands looking to diversify their supply chains.


[06:51 – 11:12] Willingness to Embrace Struggle


Tweetable Quotes:

“Way before I ever thought business was something I wanted to take on, I was listening to other people’s stories. I was hearing roadblocks that they’ve encountered, I was being inspired by how they navigated some of those challenges…” – Karl Sona


Let’s connect! Find me on LinkedIn, Instagram or check out my website And The Kas Company to find out more about my coaching program. Feel free to reach out to me at with any questions. 


You don’t have to be anyone other than who you are to be a world-class CEO!

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