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Episode 26 The Concept of Avoiding by Confronting

Black Podcasting - Episode 26 The Concept of Avoiding by Confronting

Stress plays a major role in everyone’s life. We all experience high levels of stress at various points in our lives, but how we deal with it can be critical to our health. Stress has been proven to lead to – or worsen – a number of health conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and even Alzheimer’s disease. That’s why many doctors warn people to avoid stress-inducing activities.

It’s the concept of avoiding by confronting.

On today’s episode, I’m sharing this concept with you and how you can avoid stress-induced illnesses by identifying and confronting the triggers of your stress. I’ll also share how confronting burden and competition can play a role in your stress levels and what you can do to avoid them.

“We forget how helpful we could be if we could just take care of ourselves.” – Naketa Thigpen

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