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Episode 10: Manifesting Mamas

Black Podcasting - Episode 10: Manifesting Mamas

Sometimes, I go through life and the day to day thinking, "There really needs to be a manual for THIS!" Motherhood, career, family, relationships – who knows how to balance it all so effortlessly? Well, the short answer is no one does. But one mama did try to make it easier for women to learn how to prioritize their time and themselves.  That person is my guest podcaster on this episode, Malia Boersma, creator behind "Manifest Mama," a 6-module course where women can learn how to manage their home, their day, and their joy Like A Boss! Our conversation opened up my eyes to redesigning my days so that life doesn't run me, but so that I run life.  She reminded me that as mothers, we are not perfect, but that doesn't mean we can't manifest a life that we are truly happy with. We just need to prioritize and manage things a little better 🙂

Follow Malia @happilyhomemom on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. 

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