

Affirm: “I Am a Star”

podcast October 3, 2022

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What sound does a Star make? Ask yourself this question and listen to the silence that follows. Every time you’re noticing thoughts today, pause, and come back Here. To the Scintillating-Silence. Hear your Light. Feel your Light. When you dissolve thoughts in this Light, you’re dissolving the problem. Whatever it was you were thinking about is also clearing– the sky of your mind is clearing, revealing the twinkling Star, the Sun, that you are, that I Am.    With you in and AS the Shining, Nik p.s.  How I weathered the (inner and outer) storm- 1. Prioritized meditation and silent sitting 

2. Limited access to me- reduced meetings, phone calls, text messages, excessive news watching, and went inside myself (“Worldly people go outwards but you go inwards like the tortoise withdrawing in his shell.” – Neem Karoli Baba)

3. Whenever fear or doubt would arise, I’d immediately retreat if I could, to hear God’s voice, the voice of Silence, over my own. 

4. Trusted that everything would be okay no matter what, and that whether the storm appeared to hit our home or not, the practice, the work was the same– to open my heart. 

5. Smiled and help others find theirs. “My challenge to you as fellow pilgrims on the journey, is to cultivate the stability of living on two planes of consciousness simultaneously—as Christ said, ‘In the world but not of the world,’ to be fully passionately involved in life and also be totally equanimous and centered. This is not an either/or, it’s a both/and.”   – Ram Dass 

LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE): ▶▶ Support the show: ▶▶ GoOD Mornings merch: ▶▶ Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify) ▶▶ _________________________________ Today’s Quotes:  “As the depth of Love increases, the intensity of fear slowly decreases.” -Amma “Pray to God for the power to remain aware of the Self in all conditions and circumstances.” -Anandamayi Ma “When you go within yourself– I don’t care what the trouble is– and Christ arises, awakens, it says to the storm within you, ‘Peace, Be Still,’ and there is a great Calm. You have entered meditation; you have left the storm of the mind and entered the Silence.” -Bill Skiles  “As for the Word– His wisdom meditates on It,  His teaching utters It,  His knowledge has revealed It,  His patience is a crown upon It,  His joy is in harmony with It,  His glory has exalted It,  His character has revealed It,  His rest has received It,  His Love has incarnated It,  His faith has embraced It.” -The Word of the Father Appears (Naghamadi Texts, translation by John Lash) 

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