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Zaki Baruti & Activist Ron Bethea l The Carl Nelson Show

Black Podcasting - Zaki Baruti & Activist Ron Bethea l The Carl Nelson Show

The President/General of the Universal African Peoples Organization, Zaki Baruti returns to our classroom to update us on the attack on Congresswoman Corrie Bush and other progressive lawmakers. Brother Zaki will also discuss the issues in Haiti, Niger, Cuba, Africa, and Venezuela and how they relate to our struggle. Before we hear from Brother Zaki, activist Ron Bethea will detail the Billions of dollars available for Minority Renewable Energy companies.

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The Big Show starts on WOLB at 1010 AM,, WOL 95.9 FM & 1450 AM & at 6 am ET., 5 am CT., 3 am PT., and 11 am BST. Call-In # 800 450 7876 to participate, & listen live

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