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Your Attempts to Reach God, Are God’s Attempts to Reach You #GMweekends

Black Podcasting - Your Attempts to Reach God, Are God's Attempts to Reach You #GMweekends

When you’re remembering Love, it’s only because Love is remembering you.

Holding you.

Healing you.

Being you.

You reaching for God is like a fish reaching for water.

We’re in It.

He’s everywhere.

Thank God.

I Love you,


Bonus episodes every week:

▶▶ _______________________ Today’s Quotes:  “All your attempts to reach Me, are in reality My attempts to reach you.” -Rumi “Sweet is the memory of Jesus, giving true joys to the heart; but sweeter beyond honey and all else is His presence.”  – from Aldous Huxley’s ‘The Perennial Philosophy’

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