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You Can(‘t) Define Wife For Yourself

Black Podcasting - You Can('t) Define Wife For Yourself

What does the word “wife” mean to you? As Toria Edmonds-Howell was entering marriage she realized that many people had opinions on what being a wife should mean to her. She decided that instead of accepting other people’s definitions and expectations for the term, she would define it for herself.

Becoming a wife is an experience that can’t be solely determined by what your family, friends, society, or even your partner think of you. Your definition may not fit the mold, but that’s ok. How you show up as a wife may seem imperfect to others but you have to do what is best for you and your relationship. And don’t forget, you can be imperfect and phenomenal at the same time.

In this episode you’ll learn about:

At the end of the episode, we reframe her limiting belief “you can’t define wife for yourself” to fit more within Toria’s desired reality. Stay tuned until the end to shift your mindset.

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Lauren’s IG: @lauren.e.will

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