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You are now entering your best days.

Black Podcasting - You are now entering your best days.

There are no walls.

There is no prison,

no office.

Whatever you’re avoiding today,

there is no ‘that’ either.

Only the fullness of Love is here.

And I am that fullness.

I am that Love.

I am that one appearing as that one who’s remembering,

who is waking up,

sitting up,

rising up to the best version of itself.

You have now entered your best days,

your best images,

and they go on for as far as the ‘I’ can see. 

I love you, 


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“I saw you dancing last night on the roof of your house all alone. I felt your heart longing for the Friend. I saw you whirling beneath the soft bright rose that hung from the invisible stem in the sky, so I began to change into my best clothes in hopes of joining you, even though live a thousand miles away. And if you had spun like an immaculate sphere just two more times, then bowed again so sweetly to the east, you would have found God and me standing so near and lifting you into our arms. I saw you dancing last night near the roof of this world. I feel your soul in mine calling for our Beloved.” -Hafiz

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