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When you knock on My Door, all of your doors open.

Black Podcasting - When you knock on My Door, all of your doors open.

And you don’t have to move an inch,

a muscle,

to knock on My door.

Just tell Me you’re Here,

without telling Me you’re Here.

Just feel how it feels to be Here.

How it sounds to be Here.

There’s never a moment,

when this Music isn’t playing,

when this Love isn’t loving,

when this Light isn’t giving

you (being)Everything.


You’re worthy.

You’re Covered.



By The Friend in the Highest Place. 

I Love You I Am You nik 


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“Don’t knock on the doors of ordinary houses.. Your arms are long enough to knock on Heaven’s door.” – Rumi 

“Sufis have experimented for at least a thousand years with what they call sema, deep listening. All day and night there are changing musical modes. Give your life to this listening. It is the knack of how Spirit breathes into us. We are learning a new sense, earsight. Every moment has a music.” – Coleman Barks, The Big Red Book 

“The way you know you’re progressing on the path is your thinking less and Loving more.” – Isha Das 

“…not punishment but purification.” – unknown 

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