Episode 87:
Guest Name: Larvetta Loftin
Guest Business: The L3 Agency
Summary Style
In this episode of Black Businesses Matter, I delve into the significance of Black History and Women’s History Month, highlighting notable awards, milestones, and groundbreaking achievements. Additionally, I reflect on the Women in History season, spotlighting memorable moments.
If you want to learn more about the importance of celebration , this is the episode for you!
Text ‘bbmfam’ to (312)300-1300 to join our Black Businesses Matter(BBM) fam.
- What is black women's history month?
- BBM Text Program
- LIGM America speaking engagement.
- Mentoring Queens
- Iamthatwomanmovent Award
- What to expect next season.
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To connect further with me:
Visit my website: Thel3agency.com
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Connect with me on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/thel3agency
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