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Under the Blanket of Silence

Black Podcasting - Under the Blanket of Silence

I was with the kids in the car last week (on our way back from my daughter being inducted into the National Junior Honor Society!), and there was laughter and talking and music AND Silence. I noticed what felt like a Blanket of Silence surrounding me, closer in than the talking, closer than the music, closer than my thoughts, closer than my breath. I was fully engaged and yet fully Covered, practicing this Love and in deep gratitude of the moment.  And that inspired this 🙂    I Love you, Nik LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE): ▶▶ Support the show: ▶▶ GoOD Mornings merch: ▶▶ Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify) ▶▶ _________________________________ Today’s Quotes: “Deeper breaths take you to deeper parts of yourself.” -@LedBySource via IG “I put a strong nature within you. I put strength within you that you have not yet seen, nor realized. I gave you more strength to overcome challenges and obstacles than you have detected, let alone fully manifested. Know as you encounter these challenges, they are but small, even though they look great. Know as you exercise the strength given you, you will see your obstacles fall and crumble, just as the wall of Jericho fell so easily and completely. Do not look to your own hands, or your own understanding, but look to what I have said and given you. Your strength will not be in flesh and blood, but in my spirit. Your strength will not be what you possess, but will be what possesses you. Invert your concept of strength and understand what I am saying to you this day, for in your weakness I am made strong, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength. ” –Neil Vermillion “Trust in His timing. Rely on His promises. Wait for His answers. Believe in His miracles. Rejoice in His goodness. Relax in His presence.” – @Briankajawo via IG

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