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Truth, Equity, and Action… Your Move.

Black Podcasting - Truth, Equity, and Action... Your Move.

The black Writer Therapy podcast’s official launch date is June 8, 2023. Each preliminary trailer is designed to answer the questions about what the podcast is and what it isn’t. Who will be featured and who won’t. Why I chose to focus on what I focus on.

In this episode published author, Ella Shawn–host and unlicensed therapist–answers the three questions she knows she’ll get more than any other inquiries about this podcast.

Focus Areas

  1. What does white supremacy have to do with the writing industry?
  2. Why can’t white women writers come on your podcast?
  3. What about the BIPOC writing community, including Black male writers, why aren’t they allowed on the Black Writer Therapy podcast?

Ella answers all of these questions and a few more in this BWT podcast 2nd Trailer.


Let’s Connect

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