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This Love is Capable

Black Podcasting - This Love is Capable

God will quiet you with (t)His Love,  but you have to feel It. It’s there in your chest, closer than breathing, more real than your breathing, louder than your breathing, powering your breathing. It’s what’s aware of your breathing and my voice, pointing you to the Center, the Center of this feeling. Enter there.  Dissolve.   I Love you, Nik LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE): ▶▶ Bonus content: ▶▶ Go(o)d Mornings merch: ▶▶ Weekly LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify) ▶▶ _________________________________ Today’s Quotes: ” There is something behind this world of senses, this world of eternal eating and drinking and talking nonsense, this world of false shadows and selfishness. There is something beyond all books, beyond all creeds, beyond the vanities of the world–and that something is the realization of God within yourself.” -Talk given at Unity Hall, Hartford (Connecticut), USA, on March 8, 1895, as reported in “Hartford Times” (March 11, 1895). Complete Works, 1. 325.

“The energy of pure Love is within you; it only needs to be awakened. ” -Amma “Your Love is the most powerful force in the whole universe.” -Satya Sai Baba “All I know of Spirit is this Love.  When the ocean surges, don’t let me just hear it. Let It splash inside my chest.” -Rumi “God is in the spine.” -Yogananda  “I enter this space with no requests. I’m giving myself a moment to reflect on all that is in my life. I give thanks to my challenges; for they have made me wiser. My many blessings; for they are the highlights of my experience. My peace of mind mind and great health serve as optimum foundations and I will never overlook them. I understand that while I crave so much more, my life is already complete. I am well. I am trusting. I am capable. ” -@SourceMessages via IG (8/27/22)

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