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Black Podcasting - Thia's Story BELL LET'S TALK DAY

Thia shares her story of what it is like to be a young Black Professional woman. She faced racial discrimination at work

Thia details the impact of Intersectionality, microagressions & how things turned around in her favour

What if you’re facing Microaggressions in the Workplace? How does this affect our Mental Health?

I want to introduce you to Thia, she created this short video clip to discuss Racism & microagressions in the Workplace

Thia was affected spritually & personally, she started to think there was something wrong with her. She ended up dealing with it& became resilient

Microgressions are defined as: subtle but harmful actions directed at targeted groups. Microaggressions may be verbal, behavioral, or environmental. Those targeted include people of color, females, those with disabilities, religious minorities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

People who communicate microaggressions may not believe their actions are racist. Sometimes, microaggressions are unintentional, and people are unaware they may be harming others. Do you agree?

Learn some strategies on how you can deal with racism in the Workplace

For more information about dealing with the effects of Racism, contact me 

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