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The Power of Shadow Work and Self Acceptance – Facing Your Demons

Black Podcasting - The Power of Shadow Work and Self Acceptance - Facing Your Demons

Are you ready to challenge your deepest fears and emerge stronger? Welcome to an episode of Affirmations of a Bad Bitch that's going to push you to confront your own demons, hone in on your unwanted patterns, and transform them into strengths. This isn't about self-judgment, it's about understanding and accepting your fears and insecurities. As your host, Tiona Thompson, we'll walk this tightrope of self-discovery, self-love and healing together, and learn how to trust ourselves enough to ask the hard questions.

Shadow work – an intriguing, intense, and often intimidating process, will be our primary focus. It's time to tackle those sabotaging behaviors head on and turn them into our greatest assets. Remember, your darkness is not your enemy. It's the key to your light. We'll also be exploring the beauty of patience, the power of self-acceptance, and how pivotal it is to support ourselves throughout our journey to transformation. Get ready to shift your perspective, break free from self-inflicted pain, and become the best version of yourself.

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