Lia World Traveler (Lia Miller) is a wife and mother, professional diplomat, award-winning blogger, children’s book author, social inclusion and diversity advocate, DIY loc’d naturalista, avid reader, foodie, movie buff, sports and exercise enthusiast, passionate about the arts, news junkie, and a world traveler.
Recently, Ms. Miller was live on our show talking about Work, life, balance … How do women make it seem so effortless?.
During our conversation, Ms. Miller talked about:
– Why did shw want to talk about this subject – Her mother “doing it all” vs. “her doing it all” – What are women telling her about this subject – The fact that many women who try to achieve work, life, balance take a toll – How much does tradition have an impact on this subject – “Women can have it all but not at the same time.” – The role do men have with this issue – Gender roles in today’s society – The impact does class have on subject – What does she do to try to achieve work, life, balance – How does she try to achieve work, life, balance with her husband’s help – What young women tell her about this subject – How she can know a women’s status of their work, life, balance – How would her mother handle her work, life, balance – The importance of young women of color finding out their mother’s/older women of color stories – Some thoughts for men and women of color in regards to this subject
You can find more about Ms. Miller via:
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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe