Heller #Opinionaters! On this episode(78), DeVonta’ talks #MichelleObama, #AvengersEndgame, #NBAPlayoffs, #JayZ, and so much more. #MVPOfTheWeek: #Marvel#BiggestLoserOfTheWeek: #Marvel The Opinionated Topic Of The Week: DeVonta’ discusses the essence of ‘Identity Crisis’. Do we know or even try to get to know ourselves outside of our environments?Follow us on Social Media:Instagram: www.instagram.com/tob__podcast/Twitter: mobile.twitter.com/tob__podcastFacebook: m.facebook.com/theopinionatedbru…od/?ref=bookmarksFollow DeVonta on Social Media:Instagram: www.instagram.com/vontas_world/Twitter: mobile.twitter.com/Vontas_WorldSupport the show
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