We’ve come to the end of the road, y’all! Chrisitina and Ekemini are sitting at the table reflecting on season six of Truth’s Table. They discuss their favorite episodes, surprises they encountered during this season, and what to expect for season seven of Truth’s Table. Pull up a chair and have a seat at the table with us!
Purchase our new book! Truth’s Table: Black Women’s Musings on Life, Love, and Liberation: https://www.amazon.com/Truths-Table-Womens-Musings-Liberation/dp/0593239733/
Check out 'The Pirate's Daughter' over on Kickstarter for more details: findeversail.com #FindEversail
Check out Natasha Sistrunk Robinson’s A Sojourner’s Truth Podcast http://www.natashasrobinson.com/podcast
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