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Q&A with Artist & Photographer James Knill

Black Podcasting - Q&A with Artist & Photographer James Knill

James Knill is a South Florida based artist. He is a self-taught, freestyle photographer. He began his exploration of photography almost three decades ago with 35mm film and slides. As a photographer, James’ work explores many subjects such as landscape, portraits, surfing and street photography. His works reveal his affinity for surrealism and captures an essence of peace, natural beauty, magnificence and divinity. His photos illustrate a profound personal relation between man and nature, different environments he encounters and the raw candidness of his subjects. His passions for travel, surf and exploration echo throughout his volumes of work.
Currently, James and his wife own and operate the Amanda James Gallery in Delray Beach, Florida.

The Truth In This Art

The Truth In This Art is a podcast interview series supporting vibrancy and development of Baltimore & beyond’s arts and culture.


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James Knill

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Station North Art Walks continue all summer, celebrating 20 years of Station North. Join us on final fridays:  September 30th for a district-wide celebration. More info at  Station North Arts District is a program of the Central Baltimore Partnership. 

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