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Q&A on Narrative Change with Evan Serpick

Black Podcasting - Q&A on Narrative Change with Evan Serpick

Evan Serpick is a communications professional with backgrounds in journalism and social justice activism. He is currently the program manager for communications and narrative change at Open Society Institute-Baltimore, and previously served as the editor-in-chief of Baltimore’s weekly City Paper, senior editor at Baltimore magazine, and associate editor at Rolling Stone. Evan has also been a lifelong community activist, serving in a wide range of roles, including as an Ambassador for Baltimore Ceasefire and Social Action Committee Chair for Beth Am Synagogue. He lives in Baltimore City with his wife Brenda, an English teacher at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, and his sons Jack and Benny.

The Truth In This Art
The Truth In This Art is a podcast interview series supporting vibrancy and development of Baltimore & beyond’s arts and culture.

Mentioned in this episode:

Open Society Institute-Baltimore

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Station North Art Walks continue all summer, celebrating 20 years of Station North. Join us on final fridays:  September 30th for a district-wide celebration. More info at  Station North Arts District is a program of the Central Baltimore Partnership. 

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