Ernest Curry and Latoya Smith have been paying their dues as both long-term investors and traders since the early 2000’s. What makes their journey even more impressive as that both of them have beeb able to leave their corporate careers for a lifestyle of full-time trading! They are now mentoring others through Swing , Option, Day, Future, and Forex Trading. We sit down to talk about the TRUTH BEHIND what it takes to have a consistently profitable trading experience. It’s time to enter THE PROFIT ROOM! We discuss:
- The major differences between High Frequency Day Trading VS. Swing Trading.
- Seat time in the market : preparing to trade based on what you see NOT what you feel.
- Your predetermined risk : knowing what to do when you enter trades to minimize your chances of losing your capital.
- Working through the fear of having EXPOSED CAPITAL in the market.
- Understanding the Futures Market : getting in the room with the big boys and girls.
- How to properly set up a brokerage account for massive success in your investment journey.
And so much more!
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