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Once You Set Foot On MY Path, All Doors Open. #GMfaves

podcast March 27, 2023

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Didn’t I tell you that I would never leave you nor forsake you? Didn’t I tell you that the burden is Mine? Didn’t I  tell you that I didn’t give you a spirit of fear, but of Power and of Love and of a sound mind? Didn’t I tell you to focus on Me until all thoughts dissolve, until all emotions dissolve, to remember Me, to call My name, to feel My Presence? Didn’t I tell you that once you set foot on My path, all doors open? All of your doors are now open. Hold Love’s hand, and walk through. I Love you and I’m with you, Nik Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch! ▶▶ ________________________________ Today’s Quotes: “Didn’t I tell you Do not leave me for I am your only Friend, I am the spring of life. Even if you leave in anger for thousands of years You will come back to me for I am your goal and your end.

Didn’t I tell you not to be seduced by this colourful world for I am the Ultimate Painter.

Didn’t I tell you you are a fish do not go to dry land for I am the deep Sea.

Didn’t I tell you not to fall in the net like birds for I am your wings and the power of light.

Didn’t I tell you not to let them change your mind and turn you to ice for I am your fire and warmth.

Didn’t I tell you they will corrupt you and make you forget that I am the Spring of all virtues.

Didn’t I tell you not to question my actions for everything falls into order, I am the Creator.

Didn’t I tell you your heart can guide you home because it knows that I am your Master.” -Rumi  “Memory has been given to us that we may practice the remembrance of good things until we can fully remember the highest good– God.” -Yogananda  Quotes from above in line order-  (1) Deuteronomy 31:8 (2) Matthew 11:28-3 (3) 2 Timothy 1:7  (4) Swami Ram Das  (5) Neem Karoli Baba 

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